Starting Over Every Day…with Support

Dheepa Nedungat
3 min readMar 4, 2021

I received a message the other day — I’d like to think it was from the Universe / Source / God / Guides / Higher Self — but it was actually a message that was sitting in my Spam email folder from beautiful Shade Asani which I was about to delete.

Her message was “I DON’T WANT TO START OVER”.

And she went on to say how we don’t want to leave our relationships (which we know is no longer serving us) because it’s better to stay with the devil we know rather than take a leap into the unknown.

I totally resonated. After all;

  • Who wants to start over? Who wants to leave a comfy life, a predictable routine and a secure home-base for a complete unknown?
  • Who wants to leave an unfulfilling marriage if it involves ‘hurting the kids’, and potentially living in financial poverty after divorce?


  • Who wants to leave their secure full-time job for a complete unknown heart journey in BEING and becoming the Healer / Artist / Creator / Spiritual Facilitator / Sacred Activist?
  • Who wants to be seen sharing their passions and gifts when it is much safer to keep doing what is ‘expected of you’?
  • Who wants to courageously Evolve and live a life from your genius potential when it’s much safer to play small?

Here’s the thing, despite shaking in my boots, I started over.

In fact, I start over almost every day. The thing is, everyday our old fears and beliefs will arise and remind us why starting over is not a good idea.

Yet, it is the most empowering choice to make. It will bring up all ideas of how dis-empowered you are, but that fear will paradoxically keep you on your path of courageously expanding and being more of yourself.

I couldn’t do this without support. I journeyed for 6 months with a group of women (mainly in the US) through a healing and empowering online container called the Womb Church (facilitated by Karen Prosen). I participate in an online Transformative Community (facilitated by Matt Andrews) to ensure I am continuously supported. I also receive one to one mentoring to ensure I show up everyday (Kaia Ra, Jana Carrey and many more).

I do this because I am committed to living my full expanded life in service to all beings living theirs.

I do this because I am committed to my path of Ascension.

I do this because I love showing up to where my Genius Creative wants me to go next.

And I know to fully show up, I need to be open to receiving support. Else I would succumb to a life not fully lived and who wants that!

Reach out, there are many platforms available that are dedicated to supporting us on this journey. I offer my own journey through a mentoring container with those ready to start over every day. I hope to meet you there one day.




Dheepa Nedungat

Healing & Empowerment in Divine Feminine Consciousness